Dear Mom and Dad,
I am here in Germany fighting for America. Even though it is my choice, I deeply regret it. It is one of those moments in life where you take a step but can't ever go back. I do not know if I will ever come back alive, or even dead. I have been begging the Generals to send me back home when the next troops will be coming. For the time being I have no choice but under go this awkward situation. I do not know when I will be able to see you. I miss you so much, and you are the only reason why continue fighting. I sometimes act sick in order for me to stay and not go to the battlefields. However this does not guarantee that I will come back. Over here everything is bout friendship, when we do things right we help ourselves and our friends survive. Nevertheless, when we do a little mistake it may cause a big disaster. A big friendship has been built; in fact I consider all of them are like my brothers. The food that we eat her is nothing close to the food that I had back home. The quantities are not enough to feed starving solders, which have been fighting for a whole day. The comfort of being in a house is one of the things that I sis the most as u folds know I have always been extremely sensitive person, and today I have to fight, hurt, and even kill people. I am heartbroken. I always think to myself what if these people had children waiting for them in their home. What if these people had families awaiting for the. The next telegram these people will receive is to announce to them the death of their father, son, brother, or husband. A beloved person who they will never see again. I cry every night praying to God for forgiveness. I don’t know if you remember my friend James who went with me to college and came with me her. Well he died three days ago. It has been the biggest shock of my life. I was extremely close to home, and every thing we did was together. One day we were walking back to our trenches when all of a sudden there he was falling slowly on his knees looking at me with tears scrolling down his cheeks and he spoke his last words “William, I love you.” Theses words will forever stay in my mind. I cried all the tears in my body, while I was lying next to his dead body, I then decided that James was not like all the other solders; James deserved a real funeral. So did it to him all alone and a few folds from the trench came over and dropped a few tears of sadness.
In the dusty trenches, his sleeping bag was next to mine. Now the only thing next to me is the empty hay. Mice, Rats, and snakes crawl over us at night; at first I was horrified so I didn’t get any sleep. Now I am used to it. I have plunged into depression. The dust covers us every night and day, furthermore we don’t have a place to shower. Every night before I sleep I look at our family picture with Franklin, Joseph, and Nicolas. I miss all of you folks! What do these guys do by now? Last letter Nicolas sent me he said that he had been about to head to Boston because he has been accepted in Harvard. I am proud of my little brother! Did Joseph get married to Demitrea? I miss them tell them they should send their brother letters to keep him updated. I love you all miss you so much you will always be in my heart.