Monday, October 26, 2009

Questions from the textbook reading pg: 89-95

1. Describe the debate over the nature of government. compare the viewpoints of Jefferson vs Hamilton.
Both had a different way of seeing things there believes were different.
2. What is a political party?
It is a group of people (a party) that are elected to control the government policies and programs.
3. Describe John Adams presidency. What are some of the difficulties he faced?
John Adams was not prepared enough to rule the country. He was not like george washington he didn't have the ability to rule. he was about to provoke a war with France.
4.Outline the key events of Jefferson's presidency.
Jefferson minimized the national government in the lives of American people


  1. You have basics covered but push yourself to give more details.

  2. I am not seeing your immigration or political parties posts.
